Know Your Biomarker
Know Your Biomarker is an awareness, education, and advocacy campaign promoting global access to colorectal cancer (bowel cancer) biomarker testing.

What are biomarkers and how are they used in colorectal cancer?
Colorectal cancer biomarkers can provide your medical team with vital information about you and your cancer that can be used to:
Determine prognosis
Guide treatment decisions
Evaluate treatment response
Monitor for recurrence after treatment
Potentially inform your family members about their risk for colorectal cancer
Biomarker education
With Know Your Biomarker you can learn about specific colorectal cancer biomarkers, biomarker testing, how biomarkers impact cancer treatment, and why you need to know your biomarker.
Know Your Biomarker is an awareness, education, and advocacy campaign promoting global access to colorectal cancer (bowel cancer) biomarker testing.
Learn more